Cu29 - Dalarnas nya ledande reklambyrå

Cu29 kommer min vassa reklambyrå i Falun att heta!


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Hund på restaurang i Falun.

Är hund välkommen på restaurang i Falun?

Apple Watch Series 6

En typ av recension: Apple Watch Series 6


Vad ska jag tänka på när jag ska köpa biljetter till ett evenemang?

Swedish rock & metal bands

Don’t we all love SWEDISH rock & metal bands?


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Chauffören har störst!

10 orsaker att besöka Sabaton Open Air 2018.

10 orsaker att besöka Sabaton Open Air 2018.


Helt plötsligt blev man pilot på gamla dar!

Jamen lycka till d #åkahemtidigt

Jamen lycka till d #åkahemtidigt



Sabaton Open Air proudly present: PAIN! “Music is everything to me. I’ve been through two divorces and a whole world of shit because of music but still it is the most important thing in the world to me. I’d rather have music than anything else.” So speaks Peter Tägtgren, musician, producer and creative brain behind PAIN, Sweden's finest industrial metal export. His has been a life immersed in music, in pushing boundaries, and taking ideas to both their logical and illogical extremes. It’s been a career that has involved fronting bands – notably iconic death metal veterans HYPOCRISY, and now PAIN – or shaping their sounds – as he has done with SABATON, CELTIC FROST, CHILDREN OF BODOM, DIMMU BORGIR and IMMORTAL amongst others.
After the substantial success of Peter's LINDEMANN project with RAMMSTEIN vocalist Till Lindemann, he retreated and took time to write another industrial metal statement entitled "Coming Home” (Released in September 2016)Last time we had PAIN on stage in Falun was back in 2011 and Peter had as his mission to pull off such a show that would make Sabaton’s special effects look pale and cheap. Did he succeed? And will he make another try now in August 2017? Be there and find out @peter.tagtgren @petertagtgren

Sabaton Open Air proudly present: PAIN! “Music is everything to me. I’ve been through two divorces and a whole world of shit because of music but still it is the most important thing in the world to me. I’d rather have music than anything else.” So speaks Peter Tägtgren, musician, producer and creative brain behind PAIN, Sweden’s finest industrial metal export. His has been a life immersed in music, in pushing boundaries, and taking ideas to both their logical and illogical extremes. It’s been a career that has involved fronting bands – notably iconic death metal veterans HYPOCRISY, and now PAIN – or shaping their sounds – as he has done with SABATON, CELTIC FROST, CHILDREN OF BODOM, DIMMU BORGIR and IMMORTAL amongst others. After the substantial success of Peter’s LINDEMANN project with RAMMSTEIN vocalist Till Lindemann, he retreated and took time to write another industrial metal statement entitled ”Coming Home” (Released in September 2016)Last time we had PAIN on stage in Falun was back in 2011 and Peter had as his mission to pull off such a show that would make Sabaton’s special effects look pale and cheap. Did he succeed? And will he make another try now in August 2017? Be there and find out @peter.tagtgren @petertagtgren



Återigen tisdag och nya gränsdragningar. Klockrent? Nja. Kina var det felande svaret. Men @fiassq ritade fint.

Återigen tisdag och nya gränsdragningar. Klockrent? Nja. Kina var det felande svaret. Men @fiassq ritade fint.

Kan nog inte förklara hur stolt jag är över att ha rott detta i land. Därför låter jag bli.

Kan nog inte förklara hur stolt jag är över att ha rott detta i land. Därför låter jag bli.

Sabaton Open Air proudly present: STEVE HARRIS BRITISH LION!
We start the 2017 SOA festival by welcoming BRITISH LION, the side project of Iron Maiden’s Steve Harris who released their eponymous debut album in 2012.  Featuring Steve alongside vocalist Richard Taylor, David Hawkins (guitar and keys) , Grahame Leslie (guitar) and Simon Dawson (drums), BRITISH LION has been touring annually ever since, amassing an ever-growing fan-base.
Today BRITISH LION find themselves on their most extensive tour yet around Europe, delighting fans with their distinctive style of music influenced by the late 70´s and bands like UFO and Thin Lizzy. Bands who once inspired Steve Harris himself.  Although this material is presented in a modern version, more mainstream rock than metal. If BRITISH LION is new to you – check them out here:
And if you haven´t yet experienced them live – take your chance at Sabaton Open Air 2017!
Tickets available here:

Sabaton Open Air proudly present: STEVE HARRIS BRITISH LION! We start the 2017 SOA festival by welcoming BRITISH LION, the side project of Iron Maiden’s Steve Harris who released their eponymous debut album in 2012. Featuring Steve alongside vocalist Richard Taylor, David Hawkins (guitar and keys) , Grahame Leslie (guitar) and Simon Dawson (drums), BRITISH LION has been touring annually ever since, amassing an ever-growing fan-base. Today BRITISH LION find themselves on their most extensive tour yet around Europe, delighting fans with their distinctive style of music influenced by the late 70´s and bands like UFO and Thin Lizzy. Bands who once inspired Steve Harris himself. Although this material is presented in a modern version, more mainstream rock than metal. If BRITISH LION is new to you – check them out here: And if you haven´t yet experienced them live – take your chance at Sabaton Open Air 2017! Tickets available here:

Det enda hon ville var att smaka lite ost. Då tog @evamallan tag i bestraffandet

Det enda hon ville var att smaka lite ost. Då tog @evamallan tag i bestraffandet

Man blir ju lite törstig premiär 1 Dec på Systembolaget.

Man blir ju lite törstig premiär 1 Dec på Systembolaget.

I går var jag i Avesta och föreläste lite för ett glatt gäng på Landrins Bil. Golfen fick såklart stå utanför entrén. @bilmetro

I går var jag i Avesta och föreläste lite för ett glatt gäng på Landrins Bil. Golfen fick såklart stå utanför entrén. @bilmetro